Intel SGX
Intel SGX (Software Guard Extensions) is a technology that establishes secure zones within a computer's memory, known as enclaves. These enclaves protect sensitive data and code by encrypting and isolating them from other parts of the system. It ensures that even if unauthorized access occurs, the protected information within the enclaves remains invisible and unmodifiable, similar to a secret vault inside a computer.
To explore in-depth information about Intel SGX, please refer to the official Intel® Software Guard Extensions Documentation
Incorporating Intel SGX in Swisstronik
In Swisstronik, we leverage Intel SGX to create protected enclaves dedicated to executing EVM operations (such as transactions and calls). This setup guarantees that each node action is done in a private and secure environment.
The use of Intel SGX enclaves prevents nodes from accessing the details of a transaction during its execution. This encrypted execution within the protective bubble(enclave) of Intel SGX helps preserve the privacy and security of transactions within Swisstronik's blockchain.
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