Contract verification

This page describes how you can verify code of your smart contract. To do it, we will use hardhat to simplify process of contract verification.


Open your Hardhat config file and add the following:

module.exports = {
  // of the config...
  etherscan: {
    apiKey: `ANY_STRING_WILL_DO`,
    customChains: [
        network: "swisstronik",
        chainId: 1291,
        urls: {
          apiURL: "",
          browserURL: "",

Right now, there is no API key required to verify your contract. Also note, that network name in customChains should be same as network name in networks field.

Verify contract

Using Hardhat CLI

Once you modified your hardhat config, you are ready to verify your contract using the following hardhat command:

    --contract PATH_TO_CONTRACT \

Using script

To automate verification of deployed contract, you can add the following to your deployment script

// ... your deployment script   
await"verify:verify", {
      address:, // address of deployed contract
      constructorArguments: [JAN_1ST_2030], // constructor arguments
// ... rest of your deployment script

You can find full example here:

Last updated