Key management

Generate new key

To generate new key, use the following command:

swisstronikcli keys add <key_name>

If you got an error "Error: provided algorithm "eth_secp256k1" is not supported", specify an additional parameter for keyring --keyring-backend test or --keyring-backend file

NOTE: This command will generate a mnemonic for a new key, therefore, you should save it in a secure place.

The command above will output the following:

- address: swtr156pzc2rj2xka9cu0gpgkmz3vmal544nlu9mwj7
  name: debug
  pubkey: '{"@type":"/ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey","key":"AyJHdeTNCnjV4v5ZJEbyFS5UtzBQk1ThkZB4G7QR3Cb6"}'
  type: local

**Important** write this mnemonic phrase in a safe place.
It is the only way to recover your account if you ever forget your password.

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Restore key from mnemonic

If you got error "Error: provided algorithm "eth_secp256k1" is not supported", specify an additional parameter for keyring --keyring-backend test or --keyring-backend file

If you already have a mnemonic and want to restore a key from it, use the following command:

swisstronikcli keys add <key_name> --recover

It will prompt you for your mnemonic. Once you input your mnemonic, your output should look like:

- address: swtr156pzc2rj2xka9cu0gpgkmz3vmal544nlu9mwj7
  name: debug
  pubkey: '{"@type":"/ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey","key":"AyJHdeTNCnjV4v5ZJEbyFS5UtzBQk1ThkZB4G7QR3Cb6"}'
  type: local

List all accounts

To show all stored accounts, use the following command:

swisstronikcli keys list

This command should output the following:

- address: swtr156pzc2rj2xka9cu0gpgkmz3vmal544nlu9mwj7
  name: debug
  pubkey: '{"@type":"/ethermint.crypto.v1.ethsecp256k1.PubKey","key":"AyJHdeTNCnjV4v5ZJEbyFS5UtzBQk1ThkZB4G7QR3Cb6"}'
  type: local

If you cannot find your key in the output, try to specify --keyring-backend test or --keyring-backend file

Export ETH private key

Since swisstronikcli operates with eth_secp256k1 private keys, all keys stored in the keyring are Ethereum-compatible private keys. You can export Ethereum private key (for example, to use it in MetaMask) by using the following command:

swisstronikcli keys unsafe-export-eth-key <key_name>

If you encounter the error "Error: <wallet_name>.info: key not found", try specifying either --keyring-backend test or --keyring-backend file

The command above should output your Ethereum private key, for example:


Convert address

swisstronikcli can work only with bech32-encoded (swtr1) addresses, so if you want to convert your Ethereum address to bech32 format (and vice versa), you can use the following command:

swisstronikcli debug convert-address <bech32-or-eth-address>

It should output the converted address:

Address bytes: [166 130 44 40 114 81 173 210 227 143 64 81 109 138 44 223 127 74 214 127]
Address (hex): A6822C287251ADD2E38F40516D8A2CDF7F4AD67F
Address (EIP-55): 0xA6822c287251ADd2E38F40516D8a2cDF7F4aD67f
Bech32 Acc: swtr156pzc2rj2xka9cu0gpgkmz3vmal544nlu9mwj7
Bech32 Val: swtrvaloper156pzc2rj2xka9cu0gpgkmz3vmal544nlhg5v7r

Last updated