Contract deployment - Hardhat

In this comprehensive guide, we'll walk you through the process of deploying your very first smart contract using Hardhat and mastering the art of interaction through SwisstronikJS scripts sendShieldedQuery and sendShieldedTransaction

📜 Overview: What's Inside?

In this section, you'll find everything you need to confidently deploy and interact with smart contracts using Hardhat:

  1. Environment Setup: Quickly get ready with Hardhat. We'll show you how step by step.

  2. Your Network in hardhat.config.js: Customize for Swisstronik. Learn to use hardhat.config.js for network setup.

  3. Smart Contracts: Create a contract in Solidity to set and retrieve messages.

  4. Deploy Contracts: Deploy your smart contract into the Swisstronik blockchain

  5. Transactions: Execute a transaction to set a message in the smart contract using sendShieldedTransaction

  6. Calls: Talk to your deployed smart contract. Retrieve the message using sendShieldedQuery

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