Local testnet

Below you can find the guide how to setup local Swisstronik testnet with one or multiple validators using Docker

Single validator testnet

Apple M1 and M2 are not supported, even using QEMU. To fix it, we're working on fork of hardhat with enabled encryption which will simulate Swisstronik node behaviour

For convenient development and testing of your dApps we've prepared the ghcr.io/sigmagmbh/swisstronik-chain:latest Docker image which contains preconfigured network with one validator.

You can start local node by running:

docker run --rm -it -p \
    -p -p \
    ghcr.io/sigmagmbh/swisstronik-chain:latest swisstronikd start --minimum-gas-prices=0uswtr \
    --json-rpc.api eth,txpool,personal,net,debug,web3 \
    --api.enable --enclave.address \
    --json-rpc.address --json-rpc.ws-address

Multiple validators testnet


Build and start

Before starting a local testnet run following command to generate genesis.json file with initial state of blockchain and multiple validator configs

swisstronikd testnet init-files --chain-id swisstronik_1291-1

This command will create .testnets folder with validator private keys, configuration, etc.

Now you can start your local testnet using Docker and docker-compose by running command below from root directory of clonedswisstronik-chain repo:

docker-compose -f local-network.yml up -d

The command above will run docker containers in the background using docker-compose. You will see created network and containers

[+] Running 4/4
 ✔ Container node0  Started                                                                                                                              0.7s 
 ✔ Container node2  Started                                                                                                                              0.8s 
 ✔ Container node3  Started                                                                                                                              0.9s 
 ✔ Container node1  Started 

Stop local testnet

Once you are done, execute:

docker-compose -f local-network.yml stop


To see what happening inside node you can use following command:

docker logs node0 --tail 100lo

The logs will look like:

5:12PM INF Replay: Done module=consensus server=node
5:12PM INF received complete proposal block hash=429C2151A0D4051562D3D78EE1E36FE3D16D09562BD5022B57224FEACC8BE17D height=24 module=consensus server=node
5:12PM INF finalizing commit of block hash={} height=24 module=consensus num_txs=0 root=0F7DF8D943CE72CDF81A586E3745FB84840EFF6F87E3F689B000FDF553766E78 server=node
5:12PM INF FeeMarket: baseFee was changed newBaseFee=40568907 oldBaseFee=46364465
5:12PM INF minted coins from module account amount=411946856427874uswtr from=mint module=x/bank
5:12PM INF executed block height=24 module=state num_invalid_txs=0 num_valid_txs=0 server=node
5:12PM INF commit synced commit=436F6D6D697449447B5B3332203136372031393320323535203230203139322031313420313730203634203134382031302032203231352031373720313637203233362031383320313435203136342032343020313231203130392031393620313532203020313534203938203136352031333720383220313934203138345D3A31387D
5:12PM INF committed state app_hash=20A7C1FF14C072AA40940A02D7B1A7ECB791A4F0796DC498009A62A58952C2B8 height=24 module=state num_txs=0 server=node
5:12PM INF indexed block exents height=24 module=txindex server=node
5:12PM INF Timed out dur=4978.917062 height=25 module=consensus round=0 server=node step=1
5:12PM INF received proposal module=consensus proposal={"Type":32,"block_id":{"hash":"C3BB0C05F9D6396D68B02F754F9607F93E841B9C3CE53DAE182252DCC1212E5A","parts":{"hash":"D2C8643A8A10D962E4129D93BB8E4E6F57EEA1E031A799395D38B5E4A2B5CC81","total":1}},"height":25,"pol_round":-1,"round":0,"signature":"HPfb6MgDucfKBg7jubkqp3xAtf6gbPoj8Ntt6i55jG4fiu8YMKy42Q4Q39H8uQhiqAbTWSm678OJssD9xU3gDA==","timestamp":"2023-07-10T17:12:56.985371954Z"} server=node
5:12PM INF received complete proposal block hash=C3BB0C05F9D6396D68B02F754F9607F93E841B9C3CE53DAE182252DCC1212E5A height=25 module=consensus server=node
5:12PM INF finalizing commit of block hash={} height=25 module=consensus num_txs=0 root=20A7C1FF14C072AA40940A02D7B1A7ECB791A4F0796DC498009A62A58952C2B8 server=node

You can disregard the Can't add peer's address to addrbook warning. As long as the blocks are being produced and the app hashes are the same for each node, there should not be any issues.

Follow logs

You can also watch logs as they are produced via Docker with the --follow (-f) flag, for example:

docker logs -f node0

Ethereum JSON-RPC & Websocket Ports

To interact with the testnet via WebSockets or RPC/API, you will send your request to the corresponding ports:

You can send a curl command such as:

curl -X POST --data '{"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"eth_accounts","params":[],"id":1}' -H "Content-Type: application/json"

Last updated